Popular Head Lice Cures

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Submitted by: MiShaun Taylor
Head lice can be picked up very easily, so although many people are embarrassed about it, they shouldn’t be. While it is much easier to prevent head lice than it is to effectively rid an infected person of them, there are great ways to get rid of them. Here are some of the most popular head lice cures.
This is an over-the-counter medication that contains Pyrethrum. This is a topical product, which is applied to the hair, saturates the scalp and strands of the hair, and is allowed to sit for 15 minutes. After the hair has been allowed to sit, a nit comb (fine-tooth) is used to comb the hair thoroughly. The dead head lice and nits are removed. This shampoo can also be used to treat hairbrushes and combs as well as other hair accessories. Re-treatment will be necessary within five to eight days to kill any newly hatched head lice.
You have probably heard of people using mayonnaise to cure head lice. The reason this cure works is because it smothers the head lice on the head. Lice do need air to breathe, and cutting off their supply suffocates them. This will need to be left on the hair for at least an hour overnight is better. You can leave this on overnight by simply taping a few plastic bags to the head and then placing an elastic shower cap over the bags and the hair. The next morning, rinse the hair very thoroughly and go through the hair with a fine-tooth comb. After removing any dead head lice and nits, wash the hair like normal. You may want to go back through the hair with the comb to be on the safe side.
Hair Clean 123
Hair Clean 123 is a more natural treatment for head lice. This treatment contains anise oil and ylang ylang oil, both of which are natural insecticides. This helps get rid of the head lice. You simply spray the hair with Hair Clean 123 and then leave it on for 15 minutes. You rinse this out and then thoroughly go through the hair with the metal comb that is included. You remove the dead head lice and eggs from the hair using the comb. Many people like this treatment because it is all-natural and non-toxic. This is a great treatment for children and is safer than the chemical over-the-counter medications.
Combing and Picking
What some experts call the most effective treatment is something that many people utilize. Rather than using a shampoo or cr me rinse, you simply apply some conditioner or olive oil to the hair and go through it with a fine-tooth comb. You will remove all head lice and eggs. You will need to go through the hair for at least 10 days in a row to effectively remove all eggs and lice. You will also need to treat the bedding and the rest of the house to prevent re-infestation.
Utilizing one of these methods should ensure the removal of head lice and the prevention of a recurrence.
About the Author: MiShaun Taylor is a published author and owner of
. This informative website provides readers with quality information about home remedies, over-the-counter and prescription medications for treating lice. In addition, you’ll also find louse and lice removal products that work.
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