2011 E Business Beginners

By Shiela Main

It is said that knowledge and advise is of no value unless it is passed on. I once read a quote that said: “If you have knowledge let others light their candle by it.”

Not in the same way knowledge is misconstrued on the internet, the “make money online” niche is pitched way beyond the beginners comprehension. (The step by step,look over my shoulder guides to automated money machines,even newbies can do it.) Is a good example of what I mean by misconstrued knowledge.

The newbie on the other hand is attracted by such offers, they fall into the well researched “targeted audience trap” the well written emotional sales pitches. The newbie has no knowledge of the research that has been performed prier to such sales presentations.

The most amusing sales pitches are the ones telling you, “You have been lied to,the secrets the guru’s don’t want you to know.” Then they proceed to do the same thing, lie to you.


The time has arrived for newbies to stop,pause and rethink. Why would someone making $3000.00 a day want to sell it to you for $97.00 per month,so you can do the same??? In the same breath they are telling you where their $3000.00 per day is coming from “YOU.” and the others.

Unsuspecting, unprepared beginners are in for a rough ride in their quest to make money online, without the basic knowledge of where to begin and how it all fits together. All the knowledge and know how is available to anyone who wishes to make use of it For FREE.

The internet lingo alone is a fright filled experience for a beginner,terms like SEO, what does it mean? Search engine optimization, spelled out, sounds like you need some technical degree to conquer it. My advise when in doubt visit WWW.Wikipedia.com it’s free.

Keywords and keyword tools are another costly trap, go to Google type in Google free keyword tool which is one of the best to use. The learning curve is enormous for a beginner. A beginner needs Google in as much as they can get started with adsense. Learn all there is to know from a reliable source and earn some money in the process. All free with a support system that explains itself in beginners terms.

Research is the beginning of any venture, with Google it is free and easy to do, you will find what niches, topics or categories from a worldwide perspective to pursue by visiting http://www.google.com/press/zeitgeist.html.

Web traffic will always remain a challenge, even for the experienced. Read as many articles as you can find about getting free traffic to your website.

To beginners I say life is indeed a journey the quality of it is up to you. Never base your “self worth” on the opinions of others. Focus on your dreams and aspirations, follow your heart but, let your head rule.

Remember when despair grips you, and it will at times, it is natures only way of letting you know that you must stop, pause and rethink before proceeding on your journey.

About the Author: Discovering Facebook Hyper Traffic Implementation methods,really blows you out of the water. One comes to realize just how many people do it all wrong to make the most of all the free traffic available on facebook.




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